Friday 5 August 2011

Worst 2 days of my life, ever.

I'm feeling so drained right now. The past two days have been absolutely  miserable. I was out yesterday with my papa and step-mama when i got the worse text ever. My Daniel had been in a car crash. My heart was literally in my mouth. I seriously came close to having a panic attack. I text him and rang him like 5 million times and got no answer, by this time i was completely hysterical. Was he okay?? Was he hurt?
It took him like 2 hours to finally get back to me, the LONGEST 2 hours of my life. Thankfully he was okay, and so was everyone else involved! What a relief.
He was very shaken up as you could imagine. He was upset about his car being written off, but I said to him you have walked away from a terrible pile up with your life, just be thankful for that. A car is a piece of metal, it can be replaced, you cannot.  So that was pretty crappy.
And I wont go in to the details of today as it's a bit more personal but it was horrible, upsetting, furious and exhausting.
Right now i'm just trying to relax, take a step back and realize that things could of been so much worse.
And after that horribly miserable post, here is something to make you smile and hopefully bring a bit of laughter to your day . . 


                                                                 This made me giggle!

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