Wednesday 22 June 2011

Empty Cup

Blugh. Do you know that feeling, where you go to reach for your drink, only to find out it's empty? Well this just happened to me. So I know what you're thinking. So what? Just go get another? Well I can't. I am bed ridden.
I recently dislocated me knee cap. . . for the THIRD time.

My lovely splint

How did I do it?
1st time: Rock climbing- a hobby that I used to love, but I guess I'm a bit afraid to do because of my 'manky' knee. I have my boyfriend to thank for that lovely term
2nd time: Dodge ball. Ha! I love how these two things make me sound sporty. Trust me I'm not, I was forced into playing by my lovely P.E teacher, Thank you Mrs Russel! As embarrassing as it is i technically wasn't even playing, I was 'out' and round the sides I went to pick up a ball and err, dislocated me knee cap
3rd time: Kicking my bad out the way "hangs head in shame". Yes, really. This is how stupidly 'manky' my knee is. Even something stupid like that makes it jump out of place.
Did it hurt? Yes.
I digress. The fact my cup was empty pretty much reflects how I'm feeling today, stuck in my house, with nothing much to do. I feel like an empty cup.I. Feel. Bleugh.
On a lighter note something stupidly amusing happened last night, I fell asleep on the sofa with Daniel. When he woke me up to tell me to go to bed -so romantic- I replied by saying, "you need to put the book in the freezer." . . . WHAT!? Daniel thought it was highly amusing but as I just woke up and was extremely grouchy the fact he was laughing and suggesting I was talking a load of poppy-cock made me really mad, leading to me shouting at my boyfriend that he has to put the book in the freezer.Yes it's one of those times where you wake up and have no idea what your doing. calls it 'Night confusion' (check out her blog, it's hilarious!) Anyway I read that and i realise it's a 'you had to be there moment' and sounds completely bland, Sorry guys!
Well that's about all I have left to say. How about you? Are you a full or empty cup today? Let me know!
PS. I have just had a bout of hiccups, I hate them with a passion. Especially as they make me sound like one of those squeaky rubber chickens you give to a dog.
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