Wednesday 10 August 2011

Jewelry collection

So yesterday I went in to Leeds town centre with my friend B. I'm making a jewelry holder and I wanted some lace trim to put around the edge. I'll put a post up when I'm finished to show you what it's like. So anyway the lace was something cheap-tacular like 39pence or something like that from a stall in Leeds market. But then I thought I could do with some nice new jewelry, and seeing as though i'm a cheap skate we headed to Primark.
So here's what I got.

A feather necklace, I'm loving feathers at the moment and I thought this was too cute :) Thought it would look nice with a little black dress. This was £4.

Then I got this bracelet, at first I thought the necklace and bracelet were like a set but then realized that the feathers are different colours, but ohwell no one will tell :) this was a bargain price of £2.50!!

I thought this was gorgeous!! It's way more sparkly in real life, stupid lighting in my room made it impossible to make it look good. I only just realized when i got home that I bought it in large :/ but I'll just have to wear it on my index (peter pointer ;) ) finger.As you can see this was £2

The next thing i got was in the sale, down to just £1!!! Bargain :P I love this snake ring, I did mean to get this in a large as I think it looks super cute worn on the thumb. This is possibly my favorite buy of the day.

Actually scratch that!! The snake ring is my 2nd favorite purchase, this beauty is my favorite. This gorgeous pocket watch necklace, the chain is pretty long and I know that the clock is going to stop working within like 3 days, but i couldn't help myself. How pretty is it!? And all for £4, win.

And finally these gorgeous dip-dye effect earrings that fade from black to grey, sort of like obre hair! :) Love them. These were £1.50 :) lovely

I hope you have a fabulous day, and I hope the weather is a lot better than it is here in Leeds, it's piggin awful!!
Hayley x

Friday 5 August 2011

Worst 2 days of my life, ever.

I'm feeling so drained right now. The past two days have been absolutely  miserable. I was out yesterday with my papa and step-mama when i got the worse text ever. My Daniel had been in a car crash. My heart was literally in my mouth. I seriously came close to having a panic attack. I text him and rang him like 5 million times and got no answer, by this time i was completely hysterical. Was he okay?? Was he hurt?
It took him like 2 hours to finally get back to me, the LONGEST 2 hours of my life. Thankfully he was okay, and so was everyone else involved! What a relief.
He was very shaken up as you could imagine. He was upset about his car being written off, but I said to him you have walked away from a terrible pile up with your life, just be thankful for that. A car is a piece of metal, it can be replaced, you cannot.  So that was pretty crappy.
And I wont go in to the details of today as it's a bit more personal but it was horrible, upsetting, furious and exhausting.
Right now i'm just trying to relax, take a step back and realize that things could of been so much worse.
And after that horribly miserable post, here is something to make you smile and hopefully bring a bit of laughter to your day . . 


                                                                 This made me giggle!